Methods to quit smoking at home

Usually a person who decides to overcome smoking addiction does not turn to a specialist, but tries to find a way to quit smoking at home quickly and easily. There are many ways to do this - the pharmacy offers medicines, tablets, plaster, sprays, a rich set of methods is offered by traditional medicine.

Quitting smoking is the will and restructuring of the mindset

However, the basis for success will be a restructuring of thinking and willpower, because even with the use of aids, nothing will work without strict self-control. It is possible to completely give up smoking for 1-2 days, many do not even need extra support. People who have been doing this despite smoking for a long time do not understand how such a big problem of giving up the habit is inflated. It all has to do with humor.

How to suddenly give up a habit?

Physical addiction to cigarettes is not as strong as psychological addiction. Therefore, the main work in quitting smoking should be done with attitudes, a way of thinking.

People who have to quit for medical reasons are able to cope with the habit in a matter of seconds - they do not need to tune in, smoke their last cigarette while enjoying the smoke and press the pack dramatically. When there is a choice between life and a cigarette, you know exactly how to quit smoking in 5 minutes - in this case, the decision is clear and there is no need to think about it. However, when the consequences of smoking extend over time and the prospect of dying from cancer or a heart attack is very vague, there seems to be no reason to use the will.

important it is important for a smoker to motivate themselves to a healthy lifestyle now: to listen and realize that it is better to give up this minute than to deal with severe consequences in five to ten years.

smoker lungs and healthy lungs

Stop smoking for 1 day

A quick way to quit smoking is to drop the pack and stop smoking. When a person can survive for a few days without smoking, he gains confidence in his abilities. In fact, those who have given up addiction have an extraordinary reason to be proud - this is indeed an indicator of willpower. But it is important not to spoil in the future: the desire to get a cigarette again can appear in a year, two or 10.

The recommendation to extend smoking cessation does not only apply to pregnant women - it really is the best way, though it is not easy.

The irritation of early withdrawal will soon disappear - it only takes a few days. It is important to understand the cause of its occurrence and control yourself. When you try to gradually get rid of the habit, the risk of not accepting smoking remains: the body does not have enough nicotine, a person tries to limit himself, but occasionally he strengthens his desire with a bounce. All forms of addiction are preserved. The work is done the same, only there is no result.

Knowing how to quit smoking within a day, it is important to consider a few nuances. The first day is easier to survive: after creating a tight schedule for themselves with no free minutes, people cope with this task almost painlessly. However, on the second or third day, the desire increases. More often than not, people start eating - not a bad substitute if done properly.

products for detoxification of the smoker's body

You should not choose cakes, pastries, other high-calorie foods, as weight gain is a common problem faced by ex-smokers. Often girls suffer from this, while many again return to the habit just out of a desire not to improve. You can taste some vegetables, fresh fruits or just drink clean water. This will help cleanse the body of toxins accumulated over the years of smoking. You should refuse junk food, fast food - after them you want to smoke more. Alcohol must be completely eliminated for the first time - when a person gets drunk, self-control goes out.

Reflex development

Everyone knows about Pavlov and his experiment with dogs. This experience is used to create the right attitudes in a variety of life situations. For example, you can make a connection between the desire to smoke and negative emotions. A tight elastic band is put on the wrist area, which should not squeeze the hand too much to avoid interrupting the blood supply. The moment you want to smoke, the gum recedes and is released. The painful sensation that occurs at the moment is a breaker and distracts from the thought of a cigarette. This is a good way to be used as support by those who decide to leave suddenly.

Traditional methods for smoking

Traditional medicine offers some effective recipes to help you become a non-smoker again. But remember that without the desire to leave, they will not work.

Oatmeal soup

Pour a tablespoon of flakes with 500 ml of boiling water and leave overnight. After waking up, the mixture is put on fire, boiled for 10 minutes and insist in a thermos (or wrapped plate) for one hour. The resulting product is drunk during the day along with the resulting thickening (it is possible without it).

Milk cigarettes

An effective method of causing long-term aversion to cigarettes. Cigarettes are soaked in milk and when they are dry, they ignite. The taste of such a tobacco product is extremely unpleasant, so the desire to smoke will disappear.


Rinsing the mouth with salt reduces the desire to smoke

Rinsing your mouth with salt reduces the urge to smoke. Simple to prepare: a tablespoon of sea salt dissolved in a glass of boiled water. You can use it whenever you want to get a bounce.


Grandpa method, referring to those who will really discourage the desire to enjoy a cigarette. This is a harsh and extremely uncomfortable method for those who do not have developed willpower. Shake all the tobacco from the cigarette and mix it with the finely chopped nails. The smell that appears when you smoke such a cigarette is so disgusting that it discourages any desire to smoke.


Some, disappointed with other methods, turn to magic. The plots that the person reads themselves are, in fact, the same new psychological attitudes that replace the old ones. There is nothing wrong with them - just a different presentation of information about the brain. You can find ready-made texts on the Internet or create your own, reading them whenever you want to take a smoke break.

turning to magic when disappointed with other ways to quit smoking

4 windy breaths

The technique is used to incite disgust towards smoking. People smoke because they get pleasant sensations from the process - relaxation, a feeling of peace. The essence of the technique is to make these sensations as uncomfortable as possible.

When inhaling, the smoke is held in the mouth and chewed with the mouth closed, the head thrown back. A deep breath is taken after 30 seconds - smoke enters the lungs. At this point, you will want to cough and nausea will appear, but the steps need to be repeated 2 more times.

In the 4th bloat, the lungs should be completely filled with smoke, after which the person clears the throat, straining the abdominal muscles. The date and time the method was used are written on the packaging. After that, you can no longer smoke. As a last resort, you can repeat the "chewing" of the smoke.

Switch to an electronic cigarette

Vape is not the best replacement for regular cigarettes, but, nevertheless, a very effective way. First, a person reduces the amount of nicotine in the mixture, then gains nicotine-free fluids, and then completely abandons this habit. However, not everyone goes according to plan. Psychological addiction can continue, and in some cases people return to smoking again.

Vape is not the best replacement for regular cigarettes


The effectiveness of this method has never been confirmed. Rather, it is something like a placebo, but it helps some people cope with addiction. Hypnosis is used to change attitudes: thoughts change first, and then actions. A person who lives consciously is able to independently change his attitudes without the intervention of a doctor.


On the Internet you can find books, instructions on how to quit smoking forever. However, not everyone needs them. In this case, the problem exists only because the person creates it himself. Smoking is not comparable to alcoholism or drug addiction: there is no need to tie yourself to a battery, waiting for the agony to begin. Suffice it to think if in 10 years you would like to not be able to climb to the second floor without shortness of breath, get infertility, impotence, take a course of chemotherapy.